Art Jakarta 2023

Studio Dinding Luar
Mini Art Malang (MAM)

E-Catalogue MAM Art Jakarta 2023


Studio Dinding Luar (SDL)

Dadang Rukmana
Studio Dinding Luar (SDL) DIRECTOR

Achmadi Budi Santoso
Studio Dinding Luar (SDL) CURATOR

Brawijaya University (UB) Fine Arts students and Studio Dinding Luar (SDL) participated in the international contemporary art fair, Art Jakarta 2023, which was held on Friday (17/11/2023) at the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo), Central Jakarta.

One of the prestigious art fairs held annually in Indonesia, Art Jakarta, was successfully held on November 17-19, 2023 at JIExpo, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. This year Art Jakarta presented 68 galleries, 40 local galleries and 28 foreign galleries from Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Japan, Korea, and other countries. Each gallery carries the best works of their selected artists.

The event opened on November 17 with an exclusive session for invited VIP guests then in the evening the event was officially opened to the public. The enthusiasm of the visitors filled Hall B3. The 13th Art Jakarta “moved home” from its previous home at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) to JIExpo with an area of 10 thousand square meters and leading-edge facilities. The 3-day series of events included several art agendas through interesting talks, workshops, and panel discussions.

The galleries massively display works of art from a wide range of mediums, from paintings, sculptures, to installations. In addition to the galleries, Art Jakarta also presents a special segment, SCENE, which aims to provide a stage for art collectives and non-profits who want to raise funds for their respective aspirations. There were 33 groups participating in this agenda and one of them was Studio Dinding Luar (SDL). Located in Malang, SDL successfully brought a total of 140 artworks from artists in various regions in East Java. The works were curated from the 550 works of the Mini Art Malang (MAM) exhibition held last June. SDL curator Leck Budi and Friski Jayantoro, an artist from Batu, Malang, were the SDL representatives who organized the works and booth during the event.

The presence of the SDL booth at Art Jakarta is a place to exist and introduce the works and artists of East Java. The hustle and bustle of visitors passing by seemed to be interested in the works in the SDL booth that were neatly displayed and aligned. Despite all the works simultaneously measuring 50 x 40 cm, each work has a very diverse and interesting visual, thus spoiling the eyes to look longer. The works on display will be changed every day on a regular basis so that it always gives a new feel. It is not uncommon for foreign visitors to visit the SDL booth out of curiosity about the Malang area. The works displayed are commercial in nature so that interested visitors and art collectors can collect the desired works.

Achmadi Budi Santoso (Leck) then explained the process of artists whose works penetrated Art Jakarta had gone through several curation processes from galleries, including art scenes such as SDL. Leck sees that many young artists, especially students, need to go through the process of being active as an artist in the social sphere, in other words, a student can be part of a prestigious exhibition if they have the potential to work.







“The process of creating art is when an artist chooses a certain style and they can understand the techniques, history, and media they use. Then if someone (student) already knows the value, the potential of their work when exhibited, they can be said to be an artist. From here, their work process can continue to prestigious exhibitions or art fairs such as Art Jakarta.” Achmadi Budi S (Leck) message to UB Fine Arts students who are in the process of creating and exhibiting.

From a total of 110 artists who displayed works under SDL, 17 artists were from the Fine Arts community of Universitas Brawijaya, including active students, alumni, and lecturers. Some UB Fine Arts students had the opportunity to visit Art Jakarta and help and enliven the SDL booth. The Head of Fine Arts, Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah and Fine Arts lecturer, I Kadek Yudi Astawan, S.Sn., M.Sn. also visited Art Jakarta on the first day to show their support to the UB and SDL Fine Arts students.

This is the following list of students and lecturers whose work was also present at the SDL booth:

  1. Bagas rachelma
  2. Raras Cahya
  3. Adinda Aisyah RA
  4. Hikmatiar David S.
  5. Muhammad Iqbal
  6. Osyadha Ramadhanna
  7. Alif Rochmat S.
  8. Anindya Asmara Bidhari
  9. M Afrizal Romadhoni
  10. Happy Wahyu Firdaus
  11. Yahya Syahendra
  12. Ian Khansa Witanta
  13. Tezzar Aris Sandy
  14. Ananda Putri
  15. Abimanyu
  16. Romy Setiawan, M.Sn.
  17. I Kadek Yudi Astawan, S.Sn., M.Sn.


Writer & Editor: Ananda Putri, Areta Damselina

Translator: Biany Dhiya Sevilla