Thesis Registration
Requirements for students who will take the final assignment
- Students are active in the academic year concerned.
- It has covered a minimum of 144 credits. (Thesis credit Included)
- GPA (Cumulative Achievement Index) of at least 2.00.
- I have taken research method courses and have at least gotten a C grade.
- When applying for a thesis comprehensive exam, no E and E and/or D+ grades should not exceed 10% of the total credits taken.
- The final assignment should be completed for 6 months from the time of taking the thesis course in KRS/Kartu Rencana Studi (study plan card) at SIAM/Sistem Informasi Akademik Mahasiswa (Student Academic Information System).
- The extension of the thesis completion time must include the approval of the Study Program Chairman.
Please visit this link for more information
[Pendaftaran Seminar Proposal, Seminar Hasil, dan Ujian Skripsi]