Requirements for students who will take the final assignment

  1. Students are active in the academic year concerned.
  2. It has covered a minimum of 144 credits. (Thesis credit Included)
  3. GPA (Cumulative Achievement Index) of at least 2.00.
  4. I have taken research method courses and have at least gotten a C grade.
  5. When applying for a thesis comprehensive exam, no E and E and/or D+ grades should not exceed 10% of the total credits taken.
  6. The final assignment should be completed for 6 months from the time of taking the thesis course in KRS/Kartu Rencana Studi (study plan card) at SIAM/Sistem Informasi Akademik Mahasiswa (Student Academic Information System).
  7. The extension of the thesis completion time must include the approval of the Study Program Chairman.

Please visit this link for more information

[Pendaftaran Seminar Proposal, Seminar Hasil, dan Ujian Skripsi]