E-Catalog Seni Keramik Kelas A

E-Catalog Seni Keramik Kelas B


Studio Kreasi Kriya Nusantara

Prof. Dr. Ponimin, M.Hum.

Malangan Ceramic Art Lecture Process to Exhibition at Faculty of Cultural Studies 2023

Malangan Ceramic Art is one of several courses based on the artistic values (artifacts) of Malang’s distinctive culture and is included in the latest curriculum of the Study Programme of Fine Arts Universitas Brawijaya. Malangan Ceramic Art is a practical course that teaches students to create ceramic products (applied art) and ceramic artworks (fine art) either independently or collaboratively. Although the Malangan Ceramic Art course is practice-based, in the process students also gain knowledge about ceramics, the types of earth materials commonly used, the introduction of techniques and their mastery, to learning the mechanism of the furnace and certain temperatures in ceramic firing.

The Malangan Ceramic Art course was attended by 58 students, and divided into two classes, class A and class B. Class A consists of 30 people and class B consists of 28 people. The Fine Arts Study Program collaborates with Studio Kreasi Kriya Nusantara in the practical process, so that students can learn directly with experts in Malangan ceramics. At Studio Kreasi Kriya Nusantara, students get specific theoretical knowledge because they are directly involved with the experts, at the same time students also get direct guidance on technical matters outside the campus.

Prof. Dr. Ponimin, M.Hum, who is the owner of Studio Kreasi Kriya Nusantara, is also involved in assisting fine arts students in practical activities. Prof. Dr. Ponimin, M.Hum is an artist, art practitioner, craftsman, and Professor of Art Creation and Art Studies at the State University of Malang. He has been active in writing books in the last five years related to ceramic art. He has written 5 books and several scientific articles in the last 5 years.

There are some documentation of the recovery process in the Kriya Nusantara Creation Studio as follows:

1. Soil Milling Process

2. Ceramic Basic Pattern Formation

3. Ceramic Detail Shaping

4. Drying Ceramics

5. Ceramic Combustion

6. Paint Coating on Ceramics

The results of the Malangan Ceramic Art course assignment were exhibited in the Hallway of Building A, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya as a form of achievement of learning outcomes. The Ceramic Art Exhibition was held from December 18 to 22, 2024 which coincided with the end of the odd semester of 2023/2024. Prof. Ponimin as the owner of Studio Kreasi Kriya Nusantara also had the opportunity to attend the Malangan Ceramic Art exhibition.