
Students of the Himaprodi of Fine Arts and Design, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FIB), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held an exhibition “Fine Art Festival” with the theme “Guyub” from November 10 to November 16, 2019.
Nur Salma Yola Anggita, Chief Executive of the event, said that the Guyub theme was taken because this exhibition raised the story of the chaotic life problems that exist in the Indonesian nation, and Guyub as a response carried by artists as well as participants in this exhibition.
“We took the theme Guyub to raise the chaotic problems of the life of the Indonesian nation, about existing conflicts, such as ethnicity and religion,” he explained on Monday, November 11, 2019.
From this theme, Yola hopes that the Indonesian people can be more reflective of the conflicts that have occurred. So that they can take lessons so that similar things do not happen again.
This exhibition was held at Faculty of Cultural Studies UB Building A, Veteran Street, Lowokwaru district, Malang City. When entering the exhibition hall, visitors will be treated to works of art in the form of 2D, 3D paintings and other art installations.
These works of art are combined with the dim light from the yellow bulbs installed.
In addition, the paintings displayed here are also closely arranged between one painting and another, thus forming a photo background.
As for the art installations in this exhibition, there are 6 works, all displayed with a long distance between one another so that visitors can more freely pay attention to the art installations.
There are 100 works from 80 artists in this exhibition, and admission to the Guyub exhibition is free of charge.
In addition to the Fine Art Festival, previously FIB UB also held the 2019 Temu Mata Artifact exhibition on November 5 to November 8, 2019, which raised the theme Baruna Parahita, taken from Sanskrit. Baruna means encompassing, while Parahita means prosperity with others.
The Chief Executive of Temu Mata 2019, Lutfia Indah, said that the theme Baruna Parahita is a description of how goodness and unity are created because they prioritize the interests of others.