Launching and Book Review of “Bukan Sekedar Merek Jeans dan Lukisan Pemandangan” by Wahyudin with Fine Arts, Universitas Brawijaya
(Wednesday, 07/02/2024) On Wednesday, December 20, 2023, Brawijaya University Fine Arts Study Program held a book launching and review event of “Bukan Sekedar Merek Jeans dan Lukisan Pemandangan” written by a curator and art writer, Wahyudin. The event took place at the 7th Floor Hall of Building A, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya with the moderator being a lecturer of Fine Arts Study Program, Mayang Anggrian, M.Pd. and attended by Lecturers of Fine Arts Study Program, Universitas Brawijaya and Studio Dinding Luar, Dadang Rukmana and Curator Budi Leck.
This book release was the last series and filler of the cross-generation exhibition “Tumpah Ruah Art Exhibition”. The event was opened with remarks by the Head of Study Program and continued by the Moderator, then the event continued with sharing the creative process by Wahyudin as the author of the book “Bukan Sekedar Merek Jeans dan Lukisan Pemandangan”.
The first speech was given by Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah M.Pd from the Fine Arts study program at 13.17 WIB. She welcomed the invited guests and audience and invited them to jointly dissect the book. Next, Mr. Dadang Rukmana from Studio Dinding Luar gave a speech, Dadang reminded that this event was the result of collaboration between Studio Dinding Luar and Fine Arts Universitas Brawijaya and invited all to enjoy and listen to the Bedah Karya event.
Wahyudin then began his material explanation at 13.35 WIB. He elaborated on the background of the book and its relevance to the condition of contemporary art in Indonesia. Wahyudin also highlighted the shortcomings in anthropological studies related to contemporary art in Indonesia.
The question and answer session and discussion began at 2:35 pm. Various questions were asked by the participants, ranging from Indonesia’s role in the global art market to the possibility of exhibitions in public spaces to reach a wider audience. Several questions were welcomed and answered by Wahyudin. The enthusiasm of the audience and the collection of critical questions allowed for a fresh and interesting discussion.
The event was closed at 15.27 WIB by Moderator Mayang Anggrian M.Pd with thanks to all who had attended. At 15.30 WIB, the MC also closed the event with a documentation session and farewell greetings to all participants.
The Launching & Book Review event has been successfully held with the enthusiasm of the participants who attended. Hopefully the book “Bukan Sekadar Merek Jeans dan Lukisan Pemandangan” by Wahyudin can make a positive contribution to the development of contemporary art in Indonesia.
Writer & Editor : Areta Damselina, Ananda Putri