(06/07/2024) On Thursday, June 6, 2024, a guest lecture on animal anatomy drawing was conducted online via Zoom Meeting. The lecture featured an invited lecturer from the Faculty of Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology (FSRD ITB), Dikdik Sayahdikumullah, M.Pd., Ph.D. Animal Anatomy Drawing is one of the courses taken in the 4th semester, focusing on the study of animal anatomical structures.

The guest lecture began with an opening and welcome remarks from the Head of the Fine Arts Study Program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIB UB), followed by the presentation of the material, and concluded with a discussion and review of drawings by Mr. Dikdik, which received an enthusiastic response from the students attending the class.

Source : Student of Fine Art Study Program FCS UB

The key highlights from the class were that in drawing anatomy, both human and animal, it is necessary to conduct research or observe body shapes beforehand in order to draw specifically and realistically. Additionally, in the field of art, when drawing anatomy, sometimes parts of the anatomical structure are omitted for artistic purposes. Anatomical drawing involves not only depicting the external appearance (skin) but also being able to draw the internal structures (muscles and bones). Furthermore, there are 5 components that must be understood before drawing anatomy, including: the back, ribs, chest, tailbone, and pelvis. Understanding these is essential to facilitate easier anatomical drawing.

Source : Student of Fine Art Study Program FCS UB

During the discussion session, there were several questions from students ranging from shading techniques, capturing expressions, to on-the-spot animal drawing. These questions received good and engaging responses and explanations from Mr. Dikdik. It is hoped that guest lecture activities like this can provide a lot of knowledge, motivation and additional inspiration to FIB UB fine arts students as well as skill development in terms of anatomical drawing techniques.


Writer : Arsy Sawaassabil