E-Catalogue Laila Wulancahya
A Journey of Self-Discovery
As an idea for the creation of painting
By : Laila Wulancahya
The journey of self-discovery is a long process of getting to know and understand oneself. Everyone needs to realise that full self-understanding is closely related to self-acceptance. The moment we understand what we like, what we don’t like, what we can do and what we can’t do is the turning point for someone to fully accept themselves. It is not a short process, it takes years and even decades. It takes trial and error, it takes ups and downs, and it takes wounds every step of the way.
The journey involves different times, experiences, emotions and wounds being reopened. At the beginning of the journey, the images are full of lines of anger, sadness and disappointment. In the middle of the journey, anger and sadness turn into sombre colours. At the end of the journey, the dark colours become light. The anger, sadness and disappointment that had been building up slowly faded away.
The decision to go to a new place and meet new faces was the right one. Open wounds began to heal, tears began to flow, aching hearts began to ease. The search may have stopped, but the journey continues. After all, you are still you.